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RJZ Prodeus Duel Cup 1

Game: Prodeus Prodeus
Tournament Start: Nov 6, 2022  –  19 CET
  20 EET, 18 WET, 20 MSK, 10 am PDT, 1 pm EDT

worldtimebuddy.com  timee.io
Quick rules: Single elimination, Bo3 all rounds
Entry fee: free
Location: EUROPE
Registration: Tournament Finished

Final Results

trophy silver
trophy gold
trophy bronze

Prize Money Tournament: € TBD

1st place: 70%

2nd place: 30%

3rd place: N/A

20% will go to Rocket Jump Zone Production


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Hello! This is a test tournament for Prodeus, a very first one ever for the game.
North America players may join this tournament as well with a ping disadvantage, but there's gonna be also an NA tournament after this.

We're hosting this together with our friends from PMU (Prodeus Multiplier United) Steam group.

Rules & FAQ

Mode: Deathmatch
Time limit: 10 minutes
Point limit: 50


Heresy, Chaos, Drawn

Higher seed picks a map first, then lower seed picks a map,
if it's 1:1 third map gets to play
cointoss is also an option to decide who picks first

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