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Ch1mp - The Esports MEME Token

What is Ch1mp Token?

Ch1mp Token is the native cryptocurrency used in the RJZ ecosystem and beyond.
It serves as a fun and functional token for esports enthusiasts.

Token Name / Symbol: Ch1mp     Blockchain: Internet Computer (ICP)     Canister: wkaaz-2aaaa-aaaam-qcnpq-cai

RJZ Treasury


Total Supply / Circulating

1 000 000 000 Ch1mp

RJZ Liquidity


Who is behind Ch1mp Token?

The token was created to mock RJZ's founder, Ch4mp - a well-known esports celebrity and #Top10outOf10 best in the world S-RANK player.



this is what is S-RANK

















Game - Find Ch1mpebushka

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The Legendary Mouse Review...

#Top10outOf10 Best in the World S-RANK Player

Top 10 S-RANK Player Ch4mp

List of Excuses

Ch4mp would like to show his A GAME, but all the elements listed below limit his true potential and skill.

1 #shittymouse - fixed

Mouse after mouse after mouse! but Ch4mp now has a mouse that fits. His accuracy has increased significantly, he hits crazy flicks all over the place.

2 Broken Lamp - fixed

Ch4mp bought a new bulb, his salt lamp is now getting him the energy he needs!

3 #shittykeyboard - remains

Ch4mp needs a shorter keyboard as his current one makes Ch4mp not position well.

4 LAG / PL - remains

Ch4mp is forced to use a WIFI connection that causes serious lags that distract his S-RANK skill.

5 #brokenheart - remains

Ch4mp has still a broken heart and this is gonna affect his skill forever until something happens..

6 #shittycomputer - remains

Ch4mp uses an older computer and he cannot enjoy the smooth experience as the others.

7 Window Open - fixed

Ch4mp makes sure his window is closed before serious games start.

8 TV OFF - fixed

Ch4mp doesn't have a TV, it's a rumor only.

9 MUSIC OFF - fixed

Ch4mp doesn't listen to music while playing vs stronger opponents anymore.

10 #shittymousepad - remains

Ch4mp uses a retarded monkey banana mousepad that gets dirty and is no gooooooood!

11 #legday - remains

Ch4mp exercises almost every day and is the strongest athlete in Esports.
There's a con to this - Ch4mp's nervous system is focused on regenerating his muscles which downgrades the ability to play for real.

Made by the Community:

I'm S Rank Anyway - Song

Skill Metric (Meme)

Skill Metric Graph
Xonsoy Meme

Community Comments

m634e...6-hqe (Jan 4 25, 17:04)

I should have bought more in the beginning.

yjij4...w-fae (Dec 29 24, 21:24)

This drop might be the last chance to still get it that cheap.